Past Exhibitions


1 April – 28 May

Opening reception: Friday, 1 April, from 6:00pm – 11:00pm

Marginal Utility Gallery is proud to present A LARGER REFRIGERATOR, an exhibition of new work by Richard Harrod.

-Our ideal constructions are bleak but comfortable.

In Harrod's project for Marginal Utility, one finds evocative prints that depict the imbroglio of man versus nature. With a film-noir sensibility and wry wit, these images address the absurdity of the human condition. The unknown and unsayable pervades the most familiar objects such as a shower, a window shade, and a staircase. These everyday objects that are wrought through a mixture of sculpture and digital prints engender an awareness of the uncanny in the domestic scene. Stringing these deceptively banal objects together are a series of retina-burn drawings that consist of light, reflections, images from memory, and the impression of the filament burnt into the viewer's retina that float in multiples across a screen of paint and paper.

Richard Harrod was born in Buffalo, NY. He was a 1997 recipient of the Pew Charitable Trusts Artists Fellowship Award. His work has been shown in Philadelphia, New York, and Europe.

download Richard Harrod review, Art Papers 07/2011 (3.3 MB)