
Intersections: Race, Class, Gender and the Occupy Movement

Tuesday, 8 November, 5pm at the Occupy Philly Library

Machete Group Members Avi Alpert and Gabriel Rockhill in dialogue with Annika Thiem

Continiung our Confrontations series in experimental Public Pedagogy in support of the Occupy Together Movement, the Machete Group proposes a collective symposium on “Intersections: Race, Class, Gender and the Occupy Movement.” […]

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Institutions and Interventions

The Problem of Social Emancipation from the Status Quo:
From Revolutions to Occupations

Thursday, 27 October, 7:00pm – 8:30 pm

Workshop for the Marcuse Society Conference Critical Refusals
Participants: Gabriel Rockhill (Villanova University, symptoms Collège International de Philosophie, Machete Group), Adam Takacs (Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary), Annika […]

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Reform and Radical Social Transformation

Open Seminar by Gabriel Rockhill, Annika Thiem and Adam Takacs

Wednesday, 26 October, 2011 at 5:30pm

The Library of Occupy Philadelphia, Central Arch of City Hall (west side),
Intersection of Market Street and Broad Street, Philadelphia

As an extension of the Machete Group’s Confrontations series (see “Capitalism and the State” and “Resistance […]

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Hadassa Goldvicht: Prayers in the Office

Sunday, 23 October, 3pm 2011

Marginal Utility is proud to present a closing event/performance for Hadassa Goldvicht’s exhibition Songs for the Peacemaker.
In “Prayers in the office” Goldvicht continues to explore and deconstruct language and memory within the personal arena.
The performance is a collaboration and co production of Hadassa with […]

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Capitalism and the State

Capitalism and the State: Machete Confrontation at Occupy Philadelphia

Friday, 21 October, 2011 at 5:45pm

Machete Group members Avi Alpert and Gabriel Rockhill in dialogue with Nancy Fraser and Annika Thiem

The Library of Occupy Philadelphia (SE Corner of Encampment)
City Hall, at the Intersection of Market Street and Broad Street, Philadelphia


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Thank You Rosekind, Dream Zoo, and Little Band of Sailors

Thursday,20 October, 9-11pm 2011

Three Artist led ensembles, THANK YOU ROSEKIND, DREAM ZOO, and LITTLE BAND OF SAILORS will perform a one-night showcase of experimental music at the Marginal Utility Gallery.

Thank you Rosekind, In 2009, artist and musician Michael Bauer dreamed up a musical project based around the idea of gratitude, a […]

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Resistance and Revolution

Resistance and Revolution: Machete at Occupy Philadelphia

Saturday, 15 October, 2011 at 6pm

Philadelphia City Hall

As part of what we hope will be a new series on Public Pedagogy in suppport of the Occupy Together Movement, the Machete Group proposes a collective symposium on “Resistance and Revolution.” Convinced that in the era […]

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Liz Wendelbo and Raha Raissnia, with Food Pyramid and Deep Earth

Thursday, 19 May, 8-10pm 2011

Please join Marginal Utility on Thursday, May 19, for a night film and music
organized by Jonathan Thomas, featuring a selection of new films by Liz Wendelbo,
scored by Sean McBride; a projected image performance by Raha Raissnia,
accompanied by Food Pyramid; and a live set […]

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Rethinking the Politics of Art

RETHINKING THE POLITICS OF ART: The Machete Group at Slought

Saturday 19 March, 8:00 – 10:00pm

Slought Foundation
4017 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA

In an era in which many have declared the failure of the avant-garde and neo-avant-garde attempts to link art and politics, the Machete Group proposes to revisit this […]

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What is the ‘End of Art’?

Saturday, 19 February, 8:00 – 10:00pm

In the 1980s, Hans Belting and Arthur Danto concurrently proclaimed, unbeknownst to one another, the end of art and the termination of art history. Years later, Danto would suggest that this was no coincidence because they had simultaneously stumbled upon a fundamental historical truth that demarcated the […]

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